Primary Admissions
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Now you have seen our video we would love to give you the opportunity to experience our fantastic facilities first hand and to see how our all-through school can benefit your child. Please send us your contact details and we will be in touch soon.
Register your interest for our Primary Open day here.
Apply for a school place at
London Academy Admission’s Criteria: Reception
The admission limit is 30. Where the number of applications for admissions is greater than the published admissions number, applications will be considered against the criteria set out below.
The criteria will be applied in the order in which they are set out below:
- a) children who are ‘looked after’ and children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted or became subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order under the provision of the Children Act 1989
- b) siblings at the Academy (siblings would include half, step, adoptive and foster siblings provided they also live at the same address as the applicant). It will also include siblings of former students provided they completed their education at the end of year 11 or in Sixth Form
- c) children attending another AIM Academy Trust school
- d) children who are in receipt of the Pupil Premium or early years premium at date of application
- e) students whose parent has been employed at the Academy for two or more years at the time at which the application is made and children of staff who have been employed to fill a post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage
- f) Remaining places will be allocated on a geographical basis (the distance from the academy). Distance will be measured in a straight line from the address point for the child’s home to the entrance of the Secondary Principal’s office using the London Borough of Barnet’s computerised geographical information system with those living closest being given priority.
National Offer Day is Wednesday 16th April 2025. Parents must login to their on-line eadmissions account to find out which school place their child has been offered.
Late applications
Applications must be in by Wednesday 15th January 2025 will be treated as late. Late applications will not be considered until Barnet have allocated school places for the applications that were received on time. This means that late applicants are unlikely to be offered one of their preferred schools and will be allocated an alternative school in the second round of offers.
How do I apply?
Admissions to London Academy are co-ordinated through the London Borough of Barnet admissions service. Please click here to access the Barnet admissions website.
The following form is an Appeals Request Form