Curriculum Year 10
Subject |
Course Details |
Art & Design |
GCSE Art and Design consists of two units of work. Unit 1 is the Portfolio that consists of 2 distinct projects, worth 60% of the final marks. During year 10 students will complete the second of the two portfolio projects. Students are required to work in a range of 2D and 3D media, including drawing and painting, printmaking, ceramics, photography and digital media. Themes studied is based on Identity and Culture for the second project, developing design work from primary and secondary sources. |
Business Studies |
The GCSE Business studies course enables students to actively engage in the study of business and develop as effective and independent learners. Students use an enquiring, critical approach to build argument and make informed judgements. Students complete three units of which unit one and three are externally examined units. Unit two is a controlled assessment which is internally assessed. The skills that will developed will include: teamwork, independent learning and research skills through class and homework, oral and written presentation skills, analytical, evaluative and problem-solving skills as well as, the ability to relate to people in a business environment with confidence and self-assurance. This course lays an appropriate foundation for A-Level Business Studies or Economics as well as other related Subjects. |
Computing |
Year 10 (3 lesson/fortnight) – Computer Systems: This component will introduce learners to the Central Processing Unit (CPU), computer memory and storage, wired and wireless networks, network topologies, system security and system software. It is expected that learners will become familiar with the impact of Computer Science in a global context through the study of the ethical, legal, cultural and environmental concerns associated with computer science. |
Construction |
Unit 1 Safety and Security in Construction Students will research Health and safety legislation including the Health and Safety at work act 1974, Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH) and Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992. Unit 2 Practical construction Skills Students will be able to set the criteria for completion of tasks such as, level of tolerance, timescales and quality. They will prepare for construction tasks by checking materials for defects, organising materials, measuring and marking out materials develop techniques for different construction tasks including, brickwork tiling woodwork and plumbing. Unit 3: Planning Construction Projects Students will learn about the different jobs that exist in the construction sector and how these jobs contribute to successful projects. They will develop their knowledge of processes that are followed by people working in construction that ensure projects are successful. Students will use their knowledge of practical construction tasks and consideration of safety issues together with planning skills to plan construction projects. |
Drama |
Students continue their GCSE Studies following the Edexcel Specification. All GCSE skills, knowledge and understanding as outlined in the Edexcel Programme of Study are explored. The course is broken down into the following components: Component 1: Devising (40%) Students create a piece of drama from a stimulus. Component 2: Performance from text (20%) Students perform in two key extracts from a performance text. Component 3: Theatre makers in practice (40%) Written exam. |
Electronic Products |
This course has been designed to encourage students to design and make quality electronic products with creativity, originality and flair using a wide range of electronic components with appropriate materials to package the electronic circuit. Candidates will be enthused and challenged by the range of practical opportunities this course offers. The packaging of the electronic circuit can include individually designed cases made from a range of resistant materials, textiles, card or recycled materials. The course follows on from Key Stage 3 Design and Technology and requires good skills in mathematics, physics and working with materials. The course will have a strong emphasis on learning skills and knowledge through practical projects but the academic requirements of this course should not be underestimated. Mark Allocation • Examination paper (40%) • Controlled Assessment / Design and Make project (60%). Year 10 Designing Skills Making Skills |
English |
In Year 10, GCSE study begins in earnest. The first term is a term of non-fiction reading and writing, in preparation for the EdExcel English Language GCSE Paper 2 exam. After Christmas, we move on to Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’ and on to the Conflict poems in the EdExcel poetry anthology. Finally, we study J B Priestley’s ‘An Inspector Calls’ and a selection of non-fiction stories to inspire students’ imaginative writing. |
Food |
Students will learn the science behind many food dishes such as making mayonnaise and the coagulation of eggs in meringue making. The theory of the 2 hours exam paper will be focused on this year through focused food practical tasks. Food provenance and food miles will be analysed as well as special diets, such as vegetarian, vegan, coeliac and religious food laws that govern food choice. All students in year 10 will study and take their ‘Food hygiene certificate’ which will cover all aspects of food safety and food hygiene and can be used in industry if preparing foods for other people. The first of the 2 pieces of coursework will be researched based on ‘international foods’ where the students choose a country to research and plan and prepare a 2 course meal. |
Geography |
Year 10 embark on their second year of their GCSE Geography journey, studying the 2016 Edexcel B Specification. Students study Component 2 of the specification in Year 10, and focus on the physical and human geography of the UK. The students will investigate the changes to UK population over time, examine the causes of economic change since the 1800s and give reasons for the rise of the “new economy”. During the summer term, students will focus on the physical characteristics of the UK landscape, studying Rivers in-depth in preparation for fieldwork that will be completed at the start of Year 11. Unlike previous years, the new 2016 specification assesses student understanding of fieldwork within their written exams. To this end, fieldwork is now a compulsory requirement. |
Graphic Communication |
GCSE Graphic Communication consists of two units of work. Unit 1 is the Portfolio worth 60% of the final marks, where students are required to work in a range of media, both hand produced and digital. The course focusses on text, image, illustration, layout, and the development of skills in Photoshop. Students will develop a range of graphics work for different communication purposes and produce a set of work for magazine cover. Unit 2 is the Externally Set assignment worth 40% of the final marks, where students choose a theme set by the exam board to demonstrate their skills and areas of interest developed in the first unit. A more independent and individual approach is expected at this stage. |
Health and Social Care |
In KS4 students follow the OCR Cambridge National certificate level 1/2 in Health and Social care. Students will have completed two units by the end of Year 10. Communicating and working with individuals in health social care and early years settings This written unit will provide learners with the underpinning knowledge and understanding of how to communicate effectively and what personal qualities will contribute to the creation of a caring environment when working with individuals in a health, social care and early years setting. Understanding Life-stages This unit which will allow you to investigate the main life processes that will occur with each life- stage. |
History |
In Year 10 students study Early Elizabethan England 1558-1588 as their depth study. We examine the religious settlement made by Queen Elizabeth, and the threats to her reign that she faced as a result. In the second half of the year we study Superpower relations and the Cold War 1941-91, looking at the arms race, the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Berlin Wall as well as the collapse of the USSR. In both units students will develop skills of analysing cause, consequence and significance, with marks and progress recorded in exercise books and assessment folders. There will be end of unit and end of year internal exams too. |
Literacy |
Daily DEAR for students below chronological reading age in Form Time. All Y10s have a Reading Plus log-in, a computer program that builds reading fluency, accelerates comprehension, builds vocabulary and familiarisation with a range of non-fiction texts. |
Maths |
In Year 10 students continue to develop their knowledge of the GCSE syllabus. Their understanding surrounding number, algebra, shape, data, probability, ratio and proportion. Students are taught in sets based on their assessment at the end of Year 9. Students follow the Edexcel Linear specification at one of two tiers; students can achieve a 9-4 on the Higher tier or 5-1 on the Foundation Tier. Students use CGP Mathematics text books and homework books to support work completed in lessons. Homework is set via the Show My Homework system three times per fortnight and either peer assessed on marked by the teacher. Each half term students are assessed based on content covered that half term and given a G.C.S.E grade. At the end of Year 10, students complete a non-calculator and two calculator Edexcel past papers internally in order to set students for the following year. |
In Year 10 teaching focuses on five new topics, with time allocated to revise topics covered in Year 9. The new topics areas are: ‘Global Issues’, ‘My Studies’, ‘Life at School’, ‘Education Post-16’ and ‘Jobs, Career Choices and Ambitions’. Students are required to respond to stimuli with greater linguistic complexity and to offer detailed justifications for their opinions. Students are examined each half term on a different skill, either Reading and Listening or Speaking and Writing. At the end of Year 11, students will sit a Listening, Reading & Writing paper worth 75% of their GCSE. They will also have a Speaking exam worth 25%. The speaking exam consists of a role play, describing a picture stimulus and then a general conversation with the examiner, lasting a total of 12 minutes. |
Music |
In Year 9, 10 and 11 students follow the Edexcel GCSE Music course. This course tests students on their Performing, Composing and Listening and Analysis skills. We complete at least one Component 2 Composition and both a Solo and Ensemble Performance for Component 1 in Year 10. These are assessed and targets are set for how these pieces of coursework can be improved and developed in Years 10 and 11. In Year 10 students will have chosen their best option in terms of instrument. This means that they can reach their potential in the Performance unit by the end of the course. We build on the language and theory learning from KS3 and continue to develop Listening and Analysis skills in preparation for the Unit 1 exam. The Edexcel Unit 1 paper explores set works from a wide variety of different genres and styles, ranging from Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto to Killer Queen by Queen. Within these set works, students analyse the music at a deep level looking at the core components of great works. We encourage Y10 students to audition to perform at our regular “Open Mic” performances. We showcase Y10 Performances and Compositions at our music department concerts. We ensure that GCSE students attend at least one live orchestral performance during the GCSE course. GCSE Music students are entitled to a discount in Peripatetic music lesson fees. |
The Years 10-11 PSHEE course is designed to enhance students’ understanding and awareness of the personal, health, social, and economic issues important to the development of young people. Areas of study include Drugs and alcohol awareness, Assessing & managing risk & personal safety, Personal identities, Prejudice & discrimination, Stereotyping, Personal finance. Debate and discussion, group activities, workshops, extended assemblies and independent reflection are important elements of the course. |
PE |
All pupils will follow a full extensive curriculum of activities/sports. Pupils will also be given the opportunity to take on roles other than ‘the performer’ as they will receive experience in coaching, officiating and leadership. Pupils will continue to receive the opportunity to attend an extensive range of after school clubs, and will be allowed access to the use of the school’s fitness/weight suite. The school will continue to enter teams and individuals into a variety of inter-school tournaments/competitions as well as county and national competitions |
Psychology |
Students learn to ‘make sense of other people’. Students should be able to find some of the answers to questions which have intrigued non-psychologists for years. For example: Why do I forget things? How can I read body language? What causes prejudice in the world? Students work independently and in groups. Through carrying out experiments they will understand why it is important that Psychology is based on evidence and not common sense. |
RE |
At year 10 students carry on with their 2nd year study of the new OCR specification GCSE 9-1 J625 which alongside philosophical and ethics units, encompassing Christian and Islamic theology will look at application of what they have learnt in year 9 to societal issues. |
Science |
In Year 10, students continue their key stage four programme of study which focuses on developing practical skills, scientific thinking and scientific literacy and numeracy. The key concepts that are covered in year 9 are extended and built upon to give a more in depth understanding of the three science specialisms. The students practical skills are assessed during core practicals carried out over the year. Students are assessed through written tests covering the units studied and core practicals. There will be an internal end of year examination which will be used to decide which GCSE pathway students will follow. |
Sociology |
The year 10 Sociology course is designed to build upon the concepts and skills learned in year 9 to find out more about contemporary British society. Using in depth analysis and evaluation, students explore the Sociology of the family and education, tackling issues such as power relationships, changes to and within the family and education structures and the functions of the family and the education system according to competing sociological perspectives. Students learn to make complex sociological arguments presented verbally in class discussion and in written format through essays. |
Textiles |
In year 10 students will consolidate the learning of skills and theory from Y9 and begin their coursework project. This forms 50% of their final grade. Students will use their creativity and imagination to design and make prototypes that solve real and relevant problems, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. The students will pick a design them from a list given by the exam board and will complete a design folder that includes research, designing and planning. Examples of possible themes for designing include: high profile event • Addressing the needs of the elderly • The contemporary home • Children’s learning and development • The world of travel and tourism Students will then make a textile product of their own design, which can incorporate hard materials, smart materials or electronics. |