Curriculum Year 11


Course Details

Art & Design

GCSE Art and Design consists of two units of work. Unit 1 is the Portfolio worth 60% of the final marks, where students are required to work in a range of 2D and 3D media, including drawing and painting, printmaking, ceramics, photography and digital media. During the first term of year 11 students will attempt to complete a past paper exam projects.  Unit 2 is the Externally Set Task worth 40% of the final marks, where students choose a theme set by the exam board to demonstrate their skills and areas of interest developed in the first unit. A more independent and individual approach is expected at this stage.

Business Studies

The GCSE Business studies course enables students to actively engage in the study of business and develop as effective and independent learners. Students use an enquiring, critical approach to build argument and make informed judgements. Students complete three units of which unit one and three are externally examined units. Unit two is a controlled assessment which is internally assessed.

The skills that will developed will include: teamwork, independent learning and research skills through class and homework, oral and written presentation skills, analytical, evaluative and problem-solving skills as well as,  the ability to relate to people in a business environment with confidence and self-assurance. This course lays an appropriate foundation for A-Level Business Studies or Economics as well as other related Subjects.


Year 11– Computational Thinking and Algorithms :
Written Paper 02- 40%
This component incorporates and builds on the knowledge and understanding gained in Component 01, encouraging learners to apply this knowledge and understanding using computational thinking. Learners will be introduced to algorithms and programming, learning about programming techniques, how to produce robust programs, computational logic, translators and facilities of computing languages and data representation. Learners will become familiar with computing related mathematics. It is expected that learners will draw on this underpinning content when completing the Programming Project component.

In addition to above, the final year pupils will write the code/ solution to the programming project which is worth 20% of the available marks. For this, pupils will visit a wide range of the key programming techniques.


Year 11


Unit 1 Safety and Security in Construction

Revise and sit online exam (1hour exam)

Unit 2 Practical construction Skills

Complete controlled assessments including: Interpret technical sources of information, plan a sequence of work to meet requirements of sources of information. Identify resources required to:

Complete construction tasks, calculate materials required to complete construction tasks and Set success criteria for completion of construction tasks.

 Students will prepare for construction tasks, Apply techniques in completion of construction tasks, Apply health and safety practices in completion of construction tasks


Unit 3: Planning Construction Projects

Complete controlled assessment including; Calculate resources to meet requirement for built environment development projects, Interpret sources of information, Describe activities of those involved in construction and the outputs of those involved in realising construction projects, Describe processes used in built environment development projects. Assess potential effect of factors on project success use project planning tools, Set project tolerances.


BTEC Construction and the Built Environment

Unit 1: Construction Technology

Students will examine Performance requirements including, strength and stability, fire resistance, thermal insulation, weather resistance and sustainability. They will gain some understanding of common structural forms for low- rise construction and pre construction work. Students will develop a clear understanding of super structures (walls, floors and roofs). This unit is externally assessed ( Jan 2015).


Unit 3 Science and Mathematical Applications for Construction

Students will explore the effects of forces on construction materials and how temperature changes affect materials. They will gain some understanding of Algebraic and graphical methods used to solve construction problems. Student will learn mensuration techniques for calculating lengths, areas and volumes.



Students begin the year with a series of intensive workshops to assess and enhance all GCSE assessment objectives. They then complete a Unit 2 Exploring Play Texts six hour practical workshop (15%*) controlled assessment and accompanying Documentary Response (1000 words /5%). Recently used texts include D.N.A, Noughts and Crosses and Blood Brothers. The Unit 3 Drama Performance (40%) practical examination is a public examination and occurs in either March or May. Students explore, create, rehearse and refine the presentation of either a scripted or devised piece of live theatre to a specified audience which includes the visiting examiner. *contributing % to final marks

Electronic Products

This course has been designed to encourage students to design and make quality electronic products with creativity, originality and flair using a wide range of electronic components with appropriate materials to package the electronic circuit. Candidates will be enthused and challenged by the range of practical opportunities this course offers. The packaging of the electronic circuit can include individually designed cases made from a range of resistant materials, textiles, card or recycled materials.

The course follows on from Key Stage 3 Design and Technology and requires good skills in mathematics, physics and working with materials. The course will have a strong emphasis on learning skills and knowledge through practical projects but the academic requirements of this course should not be underestimated. Mark Allocation • Examination paper (40%) • Controlled Assessment / Design and Make project (60%).

Year 11

Students will continue completing their Controlled Assessment/ Design and Make project.
The exam will be undertaken at the end of this year.
Designing Skills 
Students will be taught to:
-    use, where appropriate, a range of graphic techniques and ICT (including digital media), including CAD, to generate, develop, model and communicate design proposals; 
-    investigate and select appropriate materials and components; 
-    plan and organise activities which involve the use of materials and components when developing or manufacturing; 
-    devise and apply test procedures to check the quality of their work at critical/key points during development, and to indicate ways of modifying and improving it when necessary; 
-    communicate the design proposal in an appropriate manner; 
-    be flexible and adaptable when designing;
-     test and evaluate the final design proposal against the design specification; 
-    evaluate the work of other designers to inform their own practice; 
-    recognise the advantages of working collaboratively as a member of a design team; 
-    understand the need to protect design ideas. 

Making Skills 
Students will be taught to:
-    ensure, through testing, modification and evaluation, that the quality of their products is suitable for intended users and devise modifications where necessary that would improve the outcome(s); 
-    recognise the advantages of working as part of a team when designing and making products. 


The last of the GCSE Literature texts – either ‘A Christmas Carol’ or ‘Jekyll and Hyde’, depending on the student’s ability – is tackled during the first half term of year 11. We then move on to another non-fiction unit, re-visiting the skills built during the first term of Year 10 and preparing for English Language Paper 2. Then, after Christmas, we do similar work on fiction extracts and imaginative writing, in preparation for English Language Paper 1. The rest of the year is spent revising the four key GCSE English Literature texts: ‘A Christmas Carol’/ ‘Jekyll & Hyde’, ‘Macbeth’, ‘An Inspector Calls’ and the Conflict poetry from the EdExcel anthology.


Students will complete their second piece of coursework and carry out a scientific experiment as set by the exam board on an aspect of food, e.g. sauce making, best fat to use in pastry making. Students will carry out practical work and write a conclusion to their food experiment. Students will plan and prepare for their mock exam in December and for their final theory exam in summer by answering exam questions and focused theory tasks to help revision.


The current Year 11 cohort are completing the final year of the 2008 Edexcel Geography specification. Year 11 students will complete 4 units of work, each worth 25% towards their final GCSE grade:

Unit 1: Dynamic Planet – investigating physical geography topics.

Unit 2: Dynamic Places – investigating human geography topics.

Unit 3: Making Geographical Decision – A decision-making unit which assess synopticity.

Unit 4: Controlled Assessment.

Unit 4 will be completed first following the students’ residential fieldtrip to the Dorset coastline. Here students are required to complete fieldwork to collect data that they will use to answer a research question that is set by Edexcel. The write-up following the fieldwork is completed under exam conditions during lesson time and amounts to 25% of the overall GCSE grade.

Once the Controlled Assessment is completed, students spend the rest of the year perfecting their geographical skills and cementing their knowledge of the remaining three modules in preparation for their final GCSE examinations in the summer term. 

Graphic Communication

GCSE Graphic Communication consists of two units of work. Unit 1 is the Portfolio worth 60% of the final marks, where students are required to work in a range of media, both hand produced and digital. The course focusses on text, image, illustration, layout, and the development of skills in Photoshop. Students will develop a range of graphics work for different communication purposes and produce a set of work for magazine cover.

Unit 2 is the Externally Set assignment worth 40% of the final marks, where students choose a theme set by the exam board to demonstrate their skills and areas of interest developed in the first unit. A more independent and individual approach is expected at this stage.

Health and Social Care

In KS4 students follow the OCR Cambridge National certificate level 1/2 in Health and Social care. Students will have completed all 4 units which includes the exam by the end of year 11.

Planning for employment in health, social care and children and young people’s workforce.

This written unit is designed to enable learners to plan and prepare for employment within health, social care and children and young people’s workforce roles

Essential Values of care. Written exam (1hr)

This unit focuses on the rights of individuals and aims to instil the values of care to be used when working in a health, social care or early year’s environment. The unit also provides an overview of legislation and its impact on the care settings and covers the hygiene, safety and security matters that relate to promoting a healthy and safe environment.


In year 11 students will build on skills learned in their earlier GCSE course and develop essay writing and source skills. The first term will be spent writing three Controlled Assessment pieces on Indian Independence, so that 25% of the GCSE will be finished by Christmas. From January students will revise the three examined units (Crime and Punishment, Germany and Protests), relearning the events and stories they have been taught, and practising exam questions to prepare for their June exams.


All Y11s have a Reading Plus log-in, a computer program that builds reading fluency, accelerates comprehension, builds vocabulary and familiarisation with a range of non-fiction texts.


Year 11 students are taught in set ability groups based on their achievements in the summative assessment at the end of Year 10. Sets are reviewed after mock exams throughout the Academic year to ensure all students are appropriately challenged and reaching their full potential. Students follow the Edexcel Linear specification at one of two tiers; students can achieve a 9-4 on the Higher tier or 5-1 on the Foundation Tier. Students use CGP Mathematics text books and homework books to support work completed in lessons. Homework is set via the Show My Homework system two times per fortnight and either peer assessed on marked by the teacher. The mathematics faculty provides students with an extensive range of academic support; including revision sessions after school and before school, targeted mathematics tutoring and a mentoring system. Further, every student is given access to Mathswatch DVD, a learning tool to support students with independent revision. Students have the opportunity of attending Holiday Academies, whereby teachers hold revision sessions out of term time for students to attend to support student progress. Students complete internal mock exams through Year 11 in order to decide their final tier of entry for their G.C.S.E mathematics exam.


In Year 11, students undertake their final controlled assessments and do one Speaking assessment on ‘Health Living’ and one Writing assessment on ‘Money, fashion and free-time’. Students will then have sat four controlled assessments worth 60% of their GCSE. In May, students sit a Reading and Listening exam worth 40%. Each key skill accounts for a certain percentage of the GCSE: Listening (20%); Reading (20%); Speaking (30%); Writing (30%).


In Year 9, 10 and 11 students follow the Edexcel GCSE Music course. This course tests students on their Performing, Composing and Listening and Analysis skills. We complete at least one Component 2 Composition and both a Solo and Ensemble Performance for Component 1 in Year 10. These are assessed and targets are set for how these pieces of coursework can be improved and developed in Years 10 and 11. In Year 11 students will have chosen their best option in terms of instrument. This means that they can reach their potential in the Performance unit by the end of the course.

We build on the language and theory learning from KS3 and continue to develop Listening and Analysis skills in preparation for the Unit 1 exam. The Edexcel Unit 1 paper explores set works from a wide variety of different genres and styles, ranging from Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto to Killer Queen by Queen. Within these set works, students analyse the music at a deep level looking at the core components of great works. We encourage Y11 students to audition to perform at our regular “Open Mic” performances. We showcase Y11 Performances and Compositions at our music department concerts. We ensure that GCSE students attend at least one live orchestral performance during the GCSE course. GCSE Music students are entitled to a discount in Peripatetic music lesson fees.


The Years 10-11 PSHEE course is designed to enhance students’ understanding and awareness of the personal, health, social, and economic issues important to the development of young people. Areas of study include Drugs and alcohol awareness, Assessing & managing risk & personal safety, Personal identities, Prejudice & discrimination, Stereotyping, Personal finance. Debate and discussion, group activities, workshops, extended assemblies and independent reflection are important elements of the course.


In year 11 pupils will be given a choice of which activity/sport they would like to participate in. The aim of this curriculum is enable students to find a sport they enjoy so that they can continue in life long participation in their future.  Pupils will also be given the opportunity to take on roles other than the performer as they will receive experience in coaching, officiating and leadership. Pupils will continue to receive the opportunity to attend an extensive range of after school clubs, and will be allowed access to the use of the school’s fitness/weight suite. The school will continue to enter teams and individuals into a variety of inter-school tournaments/competitions as well as county and national competitions


Students will gain a more integrated understanding of Psychology.  Previous topics will be mind mapped and students will be confident in preparing well balanced arguments. They will be able to carry out a number of psychology practical investigations using a variety of methods, for example; surveys and questionnaires.


At year 11 students revise the core material from their year 9 and 10 philosophy, ethics and theology content focussing on upcoming exams i.e. attempting past papers, revision and exam techniques, etc.


Year 11 Set 1
Students study Edexcel Separate Sciences. These GCSEs continue to focus on developing practical skills, scientific thinking and scientific literacy and numeracy.  The units covered in year 9 and 10 are extended and built upon to give a more in depth understanding of the three science specialisms. The students practical skills are assessed during core practicals carried out over the year. Students are assessed through written tests covering the units studied and core practicals.  The final GCSE examinations consist of two written examinations of one hour and forty five minutes for each science specialism.

  Year 11 Sets 2-5
Students study Edexcel Combined Science. This GCSE continue to focus on developing practical skills, scientific thinking and scientific literacy and numeracy.  The units covered in year 9 and 10 are extended and built upon to give a more in depth understanding of the three science specialisms. The students practical skills are assessed during core practicals carried out over the year. Students are assessed through written tests covering the units studied and core practicals.  The final GCSE examinations consist of two written examinations of one hour and ten minutes for each science specialism.


Year 11 Sociology focuses on consolidating knowledge and skills gained throughout the GCSE course. Students investigate issues within the topic of crime and deviance and evaluate causes of crime, forms of social control, the social characteristics of criminals and the new types of crime prevalent in a modern, globalised society. Students also explore the causes and effects of technological changes to the mass media and analyse the portrayal of different social groups within the media. The course concludes with an exploration of inequality within society where students look into the major divisions in Britain, such as gender, ethnicity, social class, disability and age. Students are assessed at the end of year 11 through two external examinations of the whole GCSE course.  


In year 11 students will complete their coursework project within the first term and will then focus on theory to enable them to gain the highest marks in the written exam, which forms the remaining 50% of their final grade.

Students will learn about contemporary techniques, materials and processes, such as e- textiles and technical materials, as well as established practices such as costing, trend forecasting and designing for a purpose.