
London Academy is committed to serving its community.  We recognise not only the importance of allowing students to flourish academically but we also embrace our wider role in preparing them for adult life beyond the formal examined curriculum. Part of our role in that preparation is ensuring that we promote and reinforce British values to our students.

Our mission statement states that students from London Academy will be among the leaders for tomorrow.  By providing a safe and supportive environment, London Academy aims to develop in its students, skills and values which will enable them to live their lives as respectful, caring and responsible citizens.

Our core values are continuously shared and reinforced with students.  They are visibly on show in all classrooms and in student planners:

  • Respect
  • Responsibility for ourselves and others
  • Integrity (honesty and respect)
  • Good citizens
  • Creativity
  • Scholarship

KS3 is Year 7-9 where students study a broad and balanced curriculum. KS4 starts in Year 10 when students choose their GCSE options, with the vast majority of students study the full English Baccalaureate at GCSE.  The current booklet for Year 9 students to use to help them choose their options in Year 10 is here - Year 9 Options Booklet 2024-2026

For full details of our curriculum offer including a summary by year group, please see the following document - Click here to access

British Values

For information on how the Academy promotes British values please click here